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Discussing the unlawful origin of HB 2020

by Mr X and Bill Meyer

Here are the point to point links to what was discussed during the show. It involves some reading, but makes the case that the legal foundation for the cap and trade bill is based on a fraudulent take on the law.

1:44 in “…there will be some changes to the way the economy functions in order for there to…in order for those greenhouse gases to be reduced, and there may need to be assistance provided to households, businesses, and workers that may be impacted by that in a financial way.”

search Maureen McGee (The Legislative Counsel)

It all leads here

this is where our legislative council draws here opinion from

On page 22 of this, note the CONSTITUTIONAL barriers

Definition of the Legislative Counsel’s Job[0]=Legislative%20Counsel&sort=PositionTitle%7CAscending&pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs

Public comment is still being accepted until March 1, 2019.  Bill has a great packet to help, Cap and Trade Points