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Actionable intelligence on Reopening Southern Oregon

by Bill Meyer and Mr X

This is from Thursday morning with Bill Meyer on KMED in Medford, Oregon.  Ed (Mr X) and Bill discuss using common sense logic and the protections of our constitution.  Specifically the right to petition the government of redress of grievances.

 It is important to be reading the right things, and thinking about the outcome we desire and can control.   If we exercise the opportunity to speak out and require our elected officials to adhere to their oath of office.  

Seems we have some time, here’s some great material to read and understand.  Then make sure to reach out to your local elected officials in writing.  

Let us work together as a community and express the outcome we desire.  The reopening of the economy in Southern Oregon, and the refusal of the incremental tyranny being forced upon us by government.

video 15 seconds in “change is coming weather you like it or not” Greta”