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In Search of Climate Common Sense

Attend the "Joint committee on carbon reduction " meeting Meeting at the old South High School, now called Central High in Medford, Oregon. 815 S Oakdale Ave, Medford, OR 97501 Saturday February 23rd, 9am – 12 noon Mr X and Bill discuss the upcoming...

Is there a Solution for the Smoke Problem?

Mr X and Bill Meyer discuss the recent meeting and announcement of Kate Brown, Governor of Oregon.  Here’s a link to an article describing her intention.  Make sure to listen, as Mr X and Bill discuss the fact there is a better way to handle this issue....
Smoke meeting update with Mr X and Bill Meyer

Smoke meeting update with Mr X and Bill Meyer

Mr X and Bill Meyer talk about the smoke summit on Dec 11th, 2018.  Remember, there is still time to submit your public comment if you have not already. Submit public comment: you can email your comment to the Jackson County Board: or...