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What do You see here?

Take a look at the screenshot from KDRV.  Ed and I are interested in knowing what you see when you look at the breakdown.  Let us know in the comments below. Link to...

We Get What We Allow

by Mr X and Bill Meyer Interesting little conversation kind of goes back to what’s going on in the city of talent right… We get what we allow to happen in the running of management...

We Must Pay Attention

Thank you for visiting!  Below you will find a link to the conversation between Bill and Mr X  regarding Senate Bill 762.    Below that are links to the material discussed, including the text of Senate Bill 762, relevant news stories and Youtube links to...

Stand for your Medical Freedom, Here’s How

Make a meaningful comment and End this Medical Tyrrany Part 2 with Bill and Mr X 8-13-21 Here are numerous...

Understand and Make a Public Comment

Understand and Make a public comment by Mr X and Bill Meyer OSHA Oregon OSHA’s Proposal on Rules Addressing the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency in All Oregon Workplaces January 2021 Text...

We Must Engage and Participate

by Mr X and Bill Meyer We must increase the ability to respond and stop the unneccesary loss of property and life.  Rasism and climate change had nothing to do with the damage and destruction we...