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Seems like a simple solution,  but so far, the positive impact is a reality.  Prescribed burns during fire season are not allowed.  Join Mr X and Bill Meyer as they discuss the results of the excellent work being done by our county commisioners to solve the problem of smoke filling our valley.

Simple Solution, No social license granted to burn us out of existence.

by Bill Meyer and Mr X

Here’s a link to the PSA that Bill and Ed shared.  Consider the idea that they (the authors of the PSA) think the problem is in the interpretation of the law, rather than the harm from smoke that fills our valley.   We need to resist their intention to capture the “Social License” and continue the failed policies that have long term negative effects that reduce our quality of life and well being.

Public service announcement… (not serving the public well)  

Here are some links from Mr X’s study and research…



Public consultation process

Fire  & the Environment Strategic Assessments web page.

Fire in Australia – Environment, Planning and Sustainable …