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Simple solutions to real problems.

Should Smoke Rule Exemption be approved?

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We Must Rise

Notes from Mr X and Bill Meyer's conversation on thursday's show. Link: the Governor’s Fire Service Policy Council continue to be well pleased with the great work done by Chief Walker and his team ORS 476 Curious timing for his departure Oregon fire marshal Jim Walker...

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What do we do?

Article IV Section 4 | Constitution Annotated | ... The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive...

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Is the Governors Order a Harm to Jackson County?

Simple Question, What was the legislative intent of the words "shall be no larger than necessary to effectively manage the emergency?  Could it be to limit the power of the Governor?   Jackson County Commissioners missed a significant opportunity to positively...

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We Have to Be Smarter Than This

Not very long ago, we were being soaked with smoke from fires.   We were told to accept the "new normal" of business and freedom killing smoke in our area.    Our Jackson County Commissioners did a fantastic job of taking care of us by stopping the practice of...

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The Way through This

This is from Thursday morning with Bill Meyer on KMED in Medford, Oregon.  Ed (Mr X) and Bill discuss using common sense logic and the protections of our constitution.  Specifically the right to petition the government of redress of grievances.  It is important to be...

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Put an End to Cap and Trade

When you look at these things, they are so connected.  There is a definite fight against our ability to sustain our way of life. It is a move to change our total political system, and that is against the laws of this nation. Our elected officials must honor the...

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Canadian smoke filled the Rogue Valley, Really?

Thank you for checking out MrXfiles.  My goal is to put together helpful posts that share Ed's message with the Rogue Valley and beyond.  I am thankful to have the opportunity to help, and will strive to do a good job for you by uploading the broadcasts and links as...

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Should Smoke Rule Exemption be approved?

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We Must Rise

Notes from Mr X and Bill Meyer's conversation on thursday's show. Link: the Governor’s Fire Service Policy Council continue to be well pleased with the great work done by Chief Walker and his team ORS 476 Curious timing for his departure Oregon fire marshal Jim Walker...

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What do we do?

Article IV Section 4 | Constitution Annotated | ... The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive...

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Is the Governors Order a Harm to Jackson County?

Simple Question, What was the legislative intent of the words "shall be no larger than necessary to effectively manage the emergency?  Could it be to limit the power of the Governor?   Jackson County Commissioners missed a significant opportunity to positively...

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We Have to Be Smarter Than This

Not very long ago, we were being soaked with smoke from fires.   We were told to accept the "new normal" of business and freedom killing smoke in our area.    Our Jackson County Commissioners did a fantastic job of taking care of us by stopping the practice of...

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The Way through This

This is from Thursday morning with Bill Meyer on KMED in Medford, Oregon.  Ed (Mr X) and Bill discuss using common sense logic and the protections of our constitution.  Specifically the right to petition the government of redress of grievances.  It is important to be...

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Put an End to Cap and Trade

When you look at these things, they are so connected.  There is a definite fight against our ability to sustain our way of life. It is a move to change our total political system, and that is against the laws of this nation. Our elected officials must honor the...

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Canadian smoke filled the Rogue Valley, Really?

Thank you for checking out MrXfiles.  My goal is to put together helpful posts that share Ed's message with the Rogue Valley and beyond.  I am thankful to have the opportunity to help, and will strive to do a good job for you by uploading the broadcasts and links as...

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